Is ionann bradaíl agus teanga, smaointe, idéanna nó nathanna cainte duine eile a léiriú mar bhunobair an duine féin.[1][2][3] Cé go n-athraíonn sainmhínithe beachta ag brath ar an institiúid,[4] i go leor tíortha agus cultúir meastar bradaíl mar shárú ar ionracas acadúil agus eitic iriseoireachta, chomh maith le noirm shóisialta a bhaineann le foghlaim, teagasc, taighde, cothroime, meas agus freagracht.[5] Mar sin, is minic a chuirtear pionós nó smachtbhannaí éagsúla ar dhuine nó ar aonán a gcinntear bradaíl a dhéanamh orthu, amhail fionraíocht, díbirt ón scoil[6]nó obair,[7] fíneálacha,[8][9] príosúnacht,[10][11] agus pionóis eile.

Cuireann an criticeoir liteartha agus an fealsamh atá ina chónaí i mBagdad, al-Hatimi († 988), i leith an fhile al-Mutanabbi go bhfuil bradaíl á déanamh aige ar Arastatal (i ndath dearg) ina chuid filíochta (i ndubh).
  1. From the 1995 Random House Compact Unabridged Dictionary:

    use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work

    qtd. in "Teideal in easnamh ar an lua

    Either specify one, or click here and a bot will try to complete the citation details for you. {{{title}}}" (2007). Assoc. of College & Resrch Libraries. 

  2. From the Oxford English Dictionary:

    The action or practice of taking someone else's work, idea, etc., and passing it off as one's own; literary theft.

  3. The American Heritage Dictionary (5th ed.), defines plagiarize thus: “To reproduce or otherwise use the words, ideas, or other work of another as one’s own, or without attribution.”
  4. "{{{title}}}" (August 2017). Interchange 48 (3): 271–281. doi:10.1007/s10780-017-9300-7. ISSN 0826-4805. 
  5. "Teideal in easnamh ar an lua Either specify one, or click here and a bot will try to complete the citation details for you. {{{title}}}" (2021). Delaware: International Center for Academic Integrity [ICAI]. 
  6. "University bosses call for ban on essay-writing companies". “Students caught submitting work that is not their own face serious penalties, which can include being thrown off their university course.”
  7. "Daily News fires editor after Shaun King accused of plagiarism".
  8. "Jeff Koons found guilty of plagiarism over multi-million-pound sculpture". “The court ordered Mr Koons, his business, and the Pompidou museum - which had exhibited the work in 2014 - to pay Mr Davidovici a total of €135,000 (£118,000) in compensation.”Teimpléad:Cbignore
  9. "Fashion designer Galliano fined for copying imagery". “Fashion designer John Galliano’s company was ordered to pay 200,000 euros ($271,800) in damages to renowned U.S. photographer William Klein”
  10. "Polish professor could face three-year sentence for plagiarism".
  11. "Ex-VC of DU sent to jail for 'plagiarism', released".