Plé:Ceoldráma (opera)
An dá rud éagsúla iad dháiríre "ceoldráma" agus "opera"? An rud a dtugtar opera air, níl ann ach an fhoirm chlasaiceach den cheoldráma. Maidir le musical agus operetta, is fo-chineálacha den cheoldráma iad. Panu Petteri Höglund 17:27, 12 Meán Fómhair 2006 (UTC)
How would yiz like this terminology?
ceoldráma = overall concept
ceoldráma clasaiceach = opera
ceoldráma éadrom = operetta
ceoldráma nua-aimseartha = musical
ceolchóiméide = musical comedy
scannán ceoil = musical (film)
Panu Petteri Höglund 11:34, 14 Lúnasa 2007 (UTC)
I think another phrase is required for musical theatre - see en:Musical theatre (particuallry the 'In the beginning' section - describing both old and new forms of 'musical' - ceoldráma nua-aimseartha relates to the modern only, though maybe ceoldráma on its own would do for musical theatre, comprising old and new forms - RóC.
Ag bogadh an eolais go dtí an príomhalt Ceoldráma (an téacs thuas san áireamh). --Antóin 11:10, 24 Iúil 2009 (UTC)