
teanga Cheiltis na nOileán
(Athsheolta ó Briotainic Choiteann)

Teanga Cheilteach labhartha sa Bhreatain agus sa Bhriotáin ba ea Comh-Bhriotainis[1] (dí-mholta Briotainis Choiteann) (Breatnais: Brythoneg; Coirnis: Brythonek; Briotáinis: Predeneg).[2][3]

Infotaula de llenguaComh-Bhriotainis
Cineálteanga mharbh
Cainteoirí dúchais0
Aicmiú teangeolaíoch
teanga dhaonna
teangacha Ind-Eorpacha
teangacha Ceilteacha
Ceiltis na nOileán
teangacha Briotainice
Linguist Listbrit

Is teanga de chuid Ceiltis na nOileán í, fréamhaithe ó Phrótai-Cheiltis.[4][5][6][7] Tá gaol ann le Cruithnis.[8][9][10]

Cuireann fianaise ón mBreatnais in úil go raibh an-tionchar ag an Laidin ar an mBriotainis le linn na ré Rómhánaí, go háirithe téarmaí gaolmhar leis an eaglais agus le Críostaíocht an Iarthair.[11] Faoin séú haois AD, bhí teanga na mBriotanach Ceilteach ag scaradh ina Nua-Bhriotainic: Breatnais, Coimbris, Coirnis, Briotáinis agus b'fhéidir Cruithnis.

Tháinig teangacha eile chun cinn in ionad Briotainic in Albain (Gaeilge na hAlban) agus i Sasana agus chomh maith le hAlbain taobh ó dheas de Linne Foirthe (Sean-Bhéarla, as a thagann Béarla agus Albainis).[12] Fuair Coimbric bás sa 12ú haois[12] agus d'éag Coirnis san iardheisceart san ochtú haois déag, cé go bhfuil athbheochan ar siúl ann.[13][14] Is iad Breatnais agus Briotáinis amháin atá tagtha slán go dtí an lae inniu.

Mhol Tomás Ó Rathaile go raibh teanga Bhriotainice i nÉirinn roimh theacht na dTeangacha Gaelacha, ach ní aontaítear go forleathan leis an tuairim seo.[15]

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  • Forsyth, K. (1997), Language in Pictland.
  • Jackson, Kenneth H. (1953), Language and History in Early Britain.
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  • Lockwood, W. B. (1975), Languages of the British Isles Past and Present; Londain: Deutsch; ISBN 0-233-96666-8.
  • Ostler, Nicholas (2005), Empires of the Word; Londain: HarperCollins; ISBN 0-00-711870-8.
  • Price, Glanville. (2000), Languages of Britain and Ireland; Blackwell; ISBN 0-631-21581-6.
  • Rivet, A. agus Smith, C. (1979), The Place-names of Roman Britain
  • Sims-Williams, Patrick (2003), The Celtic Inscriptions of Britain: Phonology and Chronology, c. 400–1200; Oxford, Blackwell; ISBN 1-4051-0903-3.
  • Ternes, Elmar [eag.] (2011), Brythonic Celtic – Britannisches Keltisch: From Medieval British to Modern Breton; Bremen: Hempen Verlag.
  • Trudgill, P. [eag.] (1984), Language in the British Isles; Cambridge University Press.
  • Willis, David (2009), "Old and Middle Welsh"; in The Celtic Languages, 2a heagrán; eag. Martin J. Ball & Nichole Müller; Nua Eabhrac: Routledge; ISBN 0-203-88248-2; ll. 117–160.
  1. Comh-Bhriotainis,
  2. Eska, Joseph F. (2019-12-01). "The evolution of proto-Brit. *-/lth/ in Welsh". Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 66 (1): 75–82. doi:10.1515/zcph-2019-0003. ISSN 1865-889X. 
  3. Sims-Williams, Patrick (Samhain 1984). "The Double System of Verbal Inflexion in Old Irish" (as en). Transactions of the Philological Society 82 (1): 138–201. doi:10.1111/j.1467-968X.1984.tb01211.x. ISSN 0079-1636. 
  4. Henderson, Jon C. (2007). "The Atlantic Iron Age: Settlement and Identity in the First Millennium BC": 292–295. Routledge. 
  5. Sims-Williams, Patrick (2007). "Studies on Celtic Languages before the Year 1000". CMCS. 
  6. Koch, John T. (2006). "Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia". ABC-CLIO. 
  7. Eska, Joseph (2008). "The Ancient Languages of Europe". Cambridge. 
  8. Forsyth, Katherine (2006). "Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia": 1444, 1447. ABC-CLIO. 
  9. Forsyth, Katherine (1997). "Language in Pictland: The case against "non-Indo-European Pictish"". Utrecht: de Keltische Draak. 
  10. Jackson, Kenneth H. (1955). "The Problem of the Picts": 129–166. Dún Éadain: Nelson. 
  11. Lewis, H. (1943). "Yr Elfen Ladin yn yr Iaith Gymraeg". Cardiff: University of Wales Press. 
  12. 12.0 12.1 Nicolaisen, W. F. H.. "Scottish Place Names". 
  13. Tanner, Marcus (2004). "The last of the Celts". Yale University Press. 
  14. Ferdinand, Siarl (2018). "The Promotion of Cornish in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly: Attitudes towards the Language and Recommendations for Policy". Studia Celtica Fennica 19: 107–130. doi:10.33353/scf.79496. 
  15. O'Rahilly, Thomas (1964). "Early Irish history and mythology". Scoil Léinn Cheiltigh, Institiúid Ard-Léinn Bhaile Átha Cliath.